Ensuring community members have access to recreation areas, classes and activities is a focus for park and recreation professionals. Five in six U.S. adults agree access to indoor and outdoor recreation is vital to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The 2023 NRPA Agency Performance Review shows 81 percent of park and recreation agencies offer fitness classes and 80 percent offer health and wellness education. Additionally, findings show there is one park for every 2,287 people in the United States.

Key Findings: 

  • 83 percent of U.S. adults agree it is important to have access to indoor and outdoor recreational areas, classes and activities in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Two-thirds of U.S. adults living in the west say it is very or extremely important to have access to indoor and outdoor recreational areas, classes and activities in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • 69 percent of Millennials and parents believe it is very or extremely important to have access to indoor and outdoor recreational areas, classes and activities in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.


NRPA Agency Performance Review


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