• U.S. residents visit local park and recreation facilities on average 22 times a year, or nearly twice a month.
• 275 million people visited a local park or recreation facility at least once during the past year in the U.S.
• More than 200 million people across the United States live within a 10-minute walk of at least one park or trail.
• Seventy-four percent of U.S. residents live within a walkable distance of a local park or other recreation opportunity (including playgrounds, open space, recreation centers).
• Local park and recreation agencies collectively manage more than 11 million acres of open space across the United States.
• Park and recreation agencies vary greatly by size, managing on average 84 parks and other public lands and 3,869 acres of park and other public land.
• Eighty-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that parks and recreation provide good opportunities to interact with nature and the outdoors; 91% of U.S. adults seek park-centered entertainment and social events that allow them to mix and mingle with others.
• U.S. adults want their political leaders to fully fund parks and recreation.
• Sixty-two percent of U.S. adults — crossing ages, income levels and political affiliation — are more likely to vote for politicians (e.g., mayor, county executive or council member) who make park and recreation funding a priority.
• Nearly nine in 10 people agree that it is important for local, state and federal governments to fund local park and recreation agencies sufficiently in order to ensure every member of the community has equitable access to amenities, infrastructure and programming.
• Sixty-six percent of U.S. adults say that they support their local government dedicating revenues, taxes and levies that specifically target park and recreation operations or expansion projects.
Physical Health
• Parks provide opportunities for physical activity and connecting with the outdoors. The resulting impacts are better mental health, improved physical health and increased physical activity.
• Walking, park prescriptions, community gardening and farmers’ market vouchers may promote nature contact, strengthen social structures, and improve longer term mental and physical health by activating intrapersonal, interpersonal and environmental processes.
• Access to indoor and/or outdoor recreation facilities and frequency of park visitation correlate with greater physical activity; people who use parks and open spaces are three times more likely to achieve recommended levels of physical activity than non-users.
• Children with access to parks and facilities have shown decreased prevalence of obesity compared to children without access. By contrast, children lacking parks are more likely to be physically inactive, have excessive screen-time (greater than or equal to four hours daily), obtain inadequate sleep, and be obese, overweight, or diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
• Eighty-three percent of U.S. adults agree it is important to have access to indoor and outdoor recreational areas, classes and activities in order to lead a healthy lifestyle.
• Green space exposure in urban environments corresponds with lower mortality.
• Green space exposure corresponds with improved physical health, including decreases in stress, blood pressure, heart rate, and risk of chronic disease (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular heart disease)
Mental Health
• Parks promote positive mental health by providing access to nature and encouraging recreational and sporting activity.
• Parks and recreation counters social isolation by connecting people with nature and each other through festivals, parades, social events, performing arts, tours and other programming.
• Time spent in nature positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression, attention deficit disorders, and Alzheimer's.
• Mental health is significantly related to residential distance from parks. People living more than 1 kilometer away from a green space have nearly 50 percent higher odds of experiencing stress than those living fewer than 300 meters from a green space.
• Physician-diagnosed depression was 33 percent higher in residential areas with the fewest green spaces compared to the neighborhoods with the most.
• High-quality parks and built environment features help to foster positive social interactions and increase social capital within historically marginalized communities.
• Demand for park and recreation services often outweighs community resources. Typical park and recreation agencies have the following median attributes:
• Park quantity, quality and accessibility are predictors of overall well-being.
• Availability of nearby parks correlates with higher participation in active sports.
• Ninety percent of U.S. adults say that parks and recreation is an important local government service. People of all ages, income levels and all racial, ethnic and political backgrounds agree that parks and recreation is essential.
• Eighty-one percent of U.S. adults want parks and recreation to ensure inclusivity through policies and practices. Inclusive practices and policies are those that take into account people of all mental and physical abilities, as well as ethnic, religious, racial, cultural or socio-economic backgrounds or orientations.
• Eighty-six percent of U.S. adults believe it is important for their local government to make investments that ensure children have access to safe and inclusive playgrounds.
• Ninety-eight percent of U.S. adults agree that it is important to provide youth with equitable access to sports opportunities.
• 78 percent of U.S. adults believe that it is important that youth sports providers offer all children and young adults opportunities to learn about and play sports regardless of their skill or ability to pay.
• Parks and recreation agencies are on the forefront of their communities’ emergency response.
• Parks and recreation is a leading provider of healthy meals, nutrition services and education.
• The community recreation, fitness and parks sector is a leader in offering access to active recreation such as playgrounds, hiking and biking trails, senior centers, sports fields, and swimming pools.
Out-of-school time programming and education
• Parks and recreation is a leading provider of childcare and out-of-school time programming.
• More than four in five park and recreation agencies offer out-of-school time (OST). programs that serve millions of children throughout the United States.
• Park and recreation agencies deliver out-of-school time programs to children of all ages :
• Early childhood programs (at 42 percent of agencies offering OST programs)
•Elementary school-aged children (at 97 percent of agencies offering OST programs)
• Middle school-aged children (at 72 percent of agencies offering OST programs)
• High school and early workforce-aged children (at 25 percent of agencies offering OST programs)
• Eighty-two percent of park and recreation agencies offer summer camp programs for their communities’ children, and a majority of agencies deliver programs for teens (65 percent) and afterschool care (53 percent) as part of their OST portfolio.
• Eighty-five percent of U.S. adults say it is important for their local park and recreation agency to offer before-/after-school childcare and summer camps for youth.
• Parks and recreation is a leader in youth sports, providing opportunities for children of all skills and abilities to play and introducing kids to a wide variety of sports activities.
• Ninety-two percent of agencies include team sports leagues as a part of their youth sports offerings.
• Fifty-eight percent of agencies have individual leagues for youth to engage in such sports as tennis, track and field, and wrestling.
• Nearly three in five park and recreation agencies provide science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-specific programs to community members.
• Four in five urban park and recreation agencies partner with local schools to coordinate efforts that connect youth to nature, including coordinated afterschool programs, nature-based field trips, and formal and informal shared usage agreements that transform schoolyards into publicly accessible spaces where children can play outside of school hours.
• Parks and recreation teaches kids about environmental responsibility, provides better cognitive and emotional stimulation, and promotes creativity and imagination.
Nature play
• Self-reported time in nature correlates with overall positive youth development and each of the individual “Cs” of positive youth development: competence, connection, confidence, character and caring.
• The positive effects of nature exposure for children include improved cognitive functioning (including increased concentration, greater attention capacities and higher academic performance), better motor coordination, reduced stress levels, increased social interaction with adults and other children, and improved social skills.
• Nature play is an important component of the development of resilience in early childhood.
•Participating in outdoor recreation bolsters adolescent resilience to external stressors and improves overall adolescent mental health
• Youth who spend more time in nature tend to place a higher value on nature and have greater pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors (PEAB).
• Local park and recreation agencies in the U.S. generated $201 billion in economic activity and supported more than 1.1 million jobs in 2021.
• Preliminary data suggest that parks and recreation’s economic impact held resilient during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, as local parks’ operations and capital spending generated $225 billion in economic activity and supported 1.25 million jobs in 2020.
• The outdoor recreation economy, which includes local parks and recreation, accounted for $563.0 billion of 2022 U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP), or 2.2 percent of the U.S. economy.
• The more than 10,000 local park and recreation agencies across the United States employ more than 164,000 full-time and hundreds of thousands part-time and seasonal park and recreation professionals.
• Employers and employees are more likely to locate near high-quality park and recreation amenities, and 87% of corporate executives say quality-of-life is an important factor when they consider making new facility, expansion or relocation plans.
• Research and development (R&D) facilities, technology companies and corporate headquarters are more likely to prioritize quality-of-life and cultural amenities when making site-location decisions.
• Investments in improving a community’s quality of life can create a virtuous cycle: high-quality places attract workers, which attract employers, which in turn attract more investments and jobs.
• Nearly three in four U.S. adults say that access to a nearby park, playground, open space or recreation center is an important factor in deciding where they want to live.
• A review of 33 studies suggests a home value premium of 8 percent to 10 percent for properties adjacent to a passive park.
• Three in 10 park and recreation agencies — including 56 percent of agencies located in urban locales — offer a workforce development and/or career exploration program targeted to youth and young adults entering the labor force for the first time.
• Ninety-six percent of U.S. adults agree there are important benefits that teenagers and young adults gain from their first jobs and volunteer opportunities.
• Ninety percent of U.S. adults want their local park and recreation agency to provide job and volunteer opportunities for youth and young adults.