Journal of Leisure Research (JLR)Innovative, timely, and respected, the Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) has published original research to advance the field of leisure studies since 1968. JLR is scientific in content and nature, focusing on conceptual and methodological advances and questions. JLR is published five times annually. JLR is an official publication of the National Recreation and Park Association.







Journal of Leisure Research (JLR) Volume 27

Number 4


Studying the Social Aspects of Leisure: Development of the Multiple-Method Field Investigation Model (MMFI)
    Maureen Glancy, Sandra L. Little

Effect of Personality and Situational Factors on Intentions to Obey Rules in Outdoor Recreation Areas
   James H. Gramann, Rhonda L. Bonifield, Yong-geun Kim

Outdoor Recreation Net Benefits of Rail-Trails
    Christos Siderelis, Roger Moore

"I Can't Have My Mom Running Me Everywhere": Adolescents, Leisure, and Accessibility
    Diana McMeeking, Bandana Purkayastha

Development, Reliability and Validity of a Scale to Measure Intrinsic Motivation in Leisure
    Ellen Weissinger, Deborah L. Bandalos

Number 3


Cognitive and Affective Determinants of Fan Satisfaction with Sporting Event Attendance
    Robert Madrigal

Recognizing Patterns of Leisure Constraints: An Extension of the Exploration of Dimensionality
    Wendy Hultsman

Leisure and Identity Formation in Male and Female Adolescents: A Preliminary Examination
    Susan M. Shaw, Douglas A. Kleiber, Linda L. Caldwell

A Boating Choice Model for the Valuation of Lake Access
    Christos Siderelis, Gene Brothers, Phil Rea

The Relevance of Leisure in an Illness Experience: Realities of Spinal Cord Injury
    Douglas A. Kleiber, Stephen C. Brock, Youngkhill Lee, John Dattilo, Linda Caldwell

Book Reviews

The Evolving Self: A Psychology for the Third Millennium
    M. Csikszentmihalyi, Donald W. Peterson

Reinventing Government
    D. Osborne, T. Gaebler, Ingrid Schneider

Number 2


Enhancing a Sense of Independence and Psychological Well-Being Among the Elderly: A Field Experiment
    Mark S. Searle, Michael J. Mahon, Seppo E. Iso-Ahola, Heather Adam Sdrolias, Joanne van Dyck

Personal Values, Traveler Personality Type, and Leisure Travel Style
    Robert Madrigal

Beach Quality and the Enhancement of Recreational Property Values
    Jeffrey J. Pompe, James R. Rinehart

Nonmarket Economic Valuation of an Urban Recreation Park
    Michael Lockwood, Kathy Tracy

An Ipsative Clustering Model for Analyzing Attitudinal Data
    Jay Beaman, Jerry J. Vaske

Research Note

Perceptions of Discrimination in a Recreation Context
    Myron F. Floyd, James H. Gramann

Book Reviews

Passing Strange and Wonderful
   Yi-Fu Tuan, Larry Beck

Integrated Outdoor Education and Adventure Programs
   S. Schleien, L. McAvoy, G. Lais, J. Rynders, M. Deborah Bialeschki



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