Park and recreation agencies are leaders in providing affordable recreation opportunities in their communities. As families face rising costs on everyday items and necessities, having access to low- or no-cost recreation for oneself and the members of their family is vital. Nearly nine in 10 U.S. adults are interested in having access to low or no cost recreation opportunities, with close to 60 percent being very or extremely interested in these opportunities. Parents, Millennials and Gen Xers are particularly interested in affordable recreation activities that may be found at their local parks and recreation.

Key Findings:

  • A majority of U.S. adults (87 percent) are interested in having access to low or no cost recreation opportunities, with nearly three in five very or extremely interested in these opportunities (59 percent)
  • Nearly all Millennials (96 percent) and Gen Xers (93 percent) are interested in these affordable recreational opportunities, with more than three in four Millennials (78 percent) very or extremely interested
  • Almost all parents (95 percent) are interested in low or no cost recreation opportunities, and many of them are very or extremely interested to do so (74 percent)

January 2023 Park Pulse



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