Recommended Guidelines for Credentialing Volunteers

May 8, 2018, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

2018 May NRPA Update MemberBenefit 410

Volunteers are an important part of running your summer camps and programs, but are you screening them properly to make sure you’re keeping your community safe? NRPA partnered with the Background Investigation Bureau (BIB) to help park and recreation agencies screen better. NRPA members will gain immediate peace of mind knowing that your volunteers and employees are being well-vetted using some of the most powerful and advanced background checks available. 

With the help of BIB, Southeast Security Consultants, TSS Photography and DMP Consulting, NRPA has put together some recommended guidelines for credentialing volunteers. The recommended guideline for comprehensive background screening or background check includes:

  • Address Trace
  • County Criminal Record Check
  • Criminal Record Database
  • National Sex Offender Registry
  • Timely Results
  • Complimentary Consultation

A person should be disqualified and prohibited from serving as a volunteer if that person has been found guilty of the following crimes:

  • Sex offenses
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors

BIB can help you implement a safe environment for the volunteer, your staff and your community. It offers a web-based, turnkey platform for screening volunteers. Volunteers enter their own data, removing paper forms from the process. Secure Volunteer manages who has been screened and when, facilitates the approval process, provides a professional-grade screen and supplies approved volunteers with ID cards. NRPA members receive exclusive pricing on BIB’s Secure Volunteer background screenings!

To read the entire Recommended Guidelines for Credentialing Volunteers and to learn more about taking advantage of your NRPA member discount through BIB, visit