Board of Directors Update

November 30, 2014, Department, by Samantha Bartram

New NRPA Board of Directors members for 2015, from left to right: Michael Kelly, Jack Kardys and Molly Stevens.Each year, NRPA packs its Board of Directors with the foremost leaders, thinkers and practitioners in the field of parks and recreation. As we bid a fond farewell with our sincerest thanks to Past Chair Steven Thompson, CPRP; Janice M. Prochaska, Ph.D.; Pamela Sloan, CPRP; and Lewis Ledford, we welcome with enthusiasm a trio of outstanding new members. Jack Kardys, Michael Kelly and Molly Stevens each bring a wealth of experience and talent to their roles on NRPA’s Board of Directors, joining more than a dozen previous members who will continue their invaluable contributions to the operation and direction of NRPA. Some of these board veterans have shifted roles within our organization — Chair Detrick Stanford, CPRP, has taken the leadership baton from past chair Robert Ashcraft, Ph.D., while Neelay Bhatt assumes the role of treasurer, Stephen Eckelberry that of secretary, and Susan Trautman, CPRP, chair-elect. 

Jack Kardys

Jack Kardys, director of the nationally accredited and Gold Medal Award-winning Miami-Dade Parks, Recreation and Open Spaces Department (MDPROS), oversees one of the largest and most diverse park systems in the country with 260 parks on 12,800 acres of land in South Florida. Under Kardys’ leadership, Miami-Dade County established a forward-thinking master plan designed to improve the quality of life of area residents and transform the community into a more livable, sustainable space. Currently, MDPROS serves 2.5 million residents and 10 million visitors annually — certainly a heavy lift, but one for which Kardys is more than up to the task. He has dedicated his entire career to public service, serving MDPROS for more than 34 years and securing a number of accolades including the Florida Governor’s Sterling and FRPA Agency Excellence Awards. Kardys also serves as an executive board member on the Miami-Dade Sports Commission, Parks Foundation of Miami-Dade and Zoo Miami Oversight Boards of Directors.

Michael Kelly

Following a 2011 appointment by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Michael Kelly has served as general superintendent and CEO of the Chicago Park District (CPD) for the past three years. He assumed the role with a wealth of experience in tow, having worked as CPD’s COO since 2007, during which time he provided executive management in park operations, capital construction, repairs and maintenance, landscape services, security and other contract services. During his tenure as COO, Kelly led the development of the district’s long-term capital investment program, prioritizing $350 million in park design and construction projects. Those efforts included the completion of LEED-certified field houses, ADA-compliant playgrounds, new beach houses and the extensive restoration of Chicago’s Buckingham Fountain. 

Molly Stevens

A tireless advocate for the natural environment, Molly Stevens is the executive director of Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center and co-founder of the Children in Nature Collaborative of Austin (CiNCA). Stevens’ efforts to protect natural resources and support outdoor recreation span more than 20 years — she spent 13 years with the Environmental Defense Fund’s Texas regional office as director of development and then regional managing director. Prior to that position, Stevens served as the state development director for the Nature Conservancy of Texas.

NRPA extends its thanks to our four departing board members for their years of service and welcomes its three newest members. Learn more about the NRPA Board of Directors

Samantha Bartram is the Associate Editor of Parks & Recreation Magazine.