Young people who participate in youth sports reap a number of immediate and long-term benefits – from enhanced mental and physical health to improved academic performance and career success. It is widely known that the rate of girls continuing to play sports through their teenage years is lower than that of boys. Park and recreation agencies strive to lessen this gap through increased access to girls-only sports, involving youth in program design, training coaches and staff to more effectively communicate with girls of all ages, and more.

U.S. adults agree it is important for girls to be encouraged to participate in sports as they enter middle school and high school. Nearly 60 percent (57%) of these adults say this encouragement is extremely or very important. Parents are the strongest supporters with 65 percent of all parents and 69 percent of parents with children between the ages of 13 and 17 agreeing that encouraging girls to play sports is extremely or very important.


Key Findings

  • Fifty-seven percent of U.S. adults agree encouraging girls entering middle school and high school to play sports is extremely or very important.
  • Sixty-five percent of all parents and 69 percent of parents with children between the ages of 13 and 17 agree that encouraging girls to play sports is extremely or very important.  

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