NRPA Live: Your Virtual Conference Experience

October 1, 2016, Feature, by National Recreation and Park Association

The NRPA Annual Conference is the largest gathering of park and recreation professionals in the world. While thousands are able to join us each year, we know that for each attendee there are 20 others who are not able to be there personally. This is why we created NRPA Live, a virtual way to participate in education opportunities at Conference. We select some of the best sessions and stream them live during the three-day event. Through our online portal you are able to listen, learn and ask questions to instructors just as if you were sitting in St. Louis, Missouri.

All sessions included in the below 2016 NRPA Live lineup offer 0.1 CEUs, allowing you to earn more than half the CEUs required to renew your CPRP! You also have the option to purchase a package that will allow you to access the session recordings for up to 12 months, so you may wait to watch and learn when it is most convenient. 


Wednesday, October 5

8 a.m.-9:15 a.m.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered: 7 Non-negotiables of Customer Service 

What your customers do not tell you is just as, if not more, important than what they do. Learn about seven customer service “non-negotiables” will transport you and your team to a new level of service.


9:30 a.m.-10:45 a.m.

Cultivating an Exceptional Relationship with Those that Govern You

Every park and recreation department manager is governed by either an elected or appointed body. This session will show you how cultivate positive relationships with these groups and how to navigate political storms.


11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

So You Want to Be a Director? Secrets Unveiled!

More than 50 park and recreation directors were surveyed to compile a list of “secret” factors that can help someone who wants to rise to the director level. This session is a must for those who aspire to be directors!


1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.

Recreation Program Hacks: 60+ Innovative Ideas in 60 Minutes

Sixty-plus recreational program ideas will be shared during this interactive session, where you’ll be sure to find a “must do” for your community.


3 p.m.-4:15 p.m.

Engagement: The Overused Meaningless Buzzword Killing Employees and Organizations

Employees want leaders who listen to ideas, mentor, coach and truly empower staff. This session will help you create an environment that allows staff to do what you hired them to do — be successful!


Thursday, October 6

1 p.m.-2:15 p.m.

Zika: Get the Buzz on Protecting Yourself and Your Communities

In February, the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus a public health emergency of international concern. Zika has the potential to dramatically affect park agencies. Speakers will share their strategies and tips to stay ahead of this potential health emergency.


2:30 p.m.-3:45 p.m.

Leveraging Social Media as a Communication Tool

Social media is great for telling your online audience about your programs, facilities and services, but have you used it to talk with your customers? Learn how social media can become an essential tool for customer service and how you can get help from your community in marketing programs and services.


4 p.m.-5:15 p.m.

Is Your But Too Big?

Push beyond a culture of excuses. Challenging conventional thinking and pushing beyond comfort zones, this intensive and spirited session promises to be provocative and insightful.


Friday, October 7

8 a.m.-9:15 a.m.

Balancing the Business Model with the Social-Service Model

We’ve created our own snowball effect of declining subsidies by establishing a solid business model for what should be considered social services that benefit the communities we serve. This panel discussion will share examples of successfully acquiring public support from those who utilize services… and those who don’t!


12:15 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly in Youth Sports

Forty million kids are involved in youth sports programs nationwide. More kids are also dropping out of youth sport and recreation programs than ever before. This presentation will identify not only successful youth sport programming ideas, but also successful strategies to respond to negative youth sport situations.

NRPA Live is a great opportunity to boost your professional development.