August: The Best Month to Champion Your Park

July 6, 2018, Department, by National Recreation and Park Association

2018 July NRPA Update Park Champion Logo Round 410

On August 3, members of Congress will head home for the summer to connect with constituents for an entire month — a huge opportunity for your agency. With a calendar packed with exciting events and activities, you’ve got tons of opportunities to invite your members of Congress to join in on the fun. Let them see for themselves how park and recreation agencies are making their home districts and states happier, healthier, more economically vibrant places to live and play.

NRPA’s Park Champion initiative makes it easy to turn your summer events into Park Champion events, simply by inviting your members of Congress! Our step-by-step Park Champion Advocacy Toolkit has draft invitations, contact information for all members of Congress’ office schedulers and helpful tips on how to plan a successful site visit. If you have an exciting summer program, ribbon cutting, park dedication or special summer event, don’t forget to invite your members of Congress!

Head on over to to get started! This summer, you can make a huge difference in the fight for the future of parks and rec! Invite your members of Congress out for a visit and show them what parks and recreation means to your community.