How to Rally the Troops

By Marla Collum | Posted on August 5, 2016


Since 2013, NRPA has partnered with the Coca-Cola Foundation to bring Troops for Fitness to 12 cities across the country. What makes Troops for Fitness unique is that the wide variety of programming offered through the program is provided exclusively by military veteran instructors, many of whom have received training, developed skills and found a career path in fitness as a result of the program. Another overarching goal is that classes are offered free or at very low cost to participants. The feedback from both the veteran instructors and participants has been exceptionally positive – veterans are serving their communities in new ways and participants are motivated by experienced, talented leaders.  

The program takes on a new and different form in every city where it is hosted. Because the nature of the program is so dependent on the skillset brought by each veteran instructor, the program has no “prescribed” way to be implemented. One instructor may have training in Zumba while another may be skilled in ballroom dancing or archery, offering a diversity of class topics and perspectives.





Marla Collum is NRPA's Senior Manager of Programs