Q. How often does the Board meet? 
A. There are two "in-person" and a minimum of two virtual board meetings. Additionally, there is a two-day board retreat held in conjunction with the annual spring meeting. The retreat location varies. The board meets at the NRPA annual conference in the fall where the site moves to a major city each year. 

Q. Does NRPA cover my travel expenses? 
A. Board members are expected to pay their travel costs. NRPA does, however, cover costs as able for board members to ensure equitable participation. NRPA’s discounted room rates are available to board members.

Q. What is the time commitment for board members? 
A. Board members need to prepare for each board meeting. Preparation includes reading the materials the CEO sends before the meeting. Additionally, board members are expected to stay abreast of the industry’s issues and may be asked to join committees or taskforces.

Q. Are board members expected to raise funds for NRPA? 
A. Board members are expected to make a personal contribution annually at their comfort level. They are also expected to help raise funds for the Association. Raising funds can take many forms: making a personal donation, introducing new donors and/or foundations and businesses to the organization and encouraging them to support the work of NRPA, hosting a fundraising event for NRPA in your community or myriad other ways of contributing.

Q. How many board members are there and who are they? 
A. The Board has between 15-30 elected members. The Chair is allowed to appoint members as well. The bylaws require that there be at least 50 percent advocate members on the Board with the remaining members being professional members.

Q. How long would I serve if I am elected or appointed? 
A. Elected members may serve two terms with each term consisting of three years. Directors seeking a second term must reapply. Appointments are a three-year obligation.

Q. What does the board do? 
A. The Board of Directors is the governing body of NRPA and makes critical decisions regarding many areas of our work. More information can be found here: https://www.nrpa.org/about-national-recreation-and-park-association/leadership/top-questions-to-consider-for-prospective-nrpa-board-members/.

Q. What information should I be familiar with when considering running for the Board? 
A. Please review NRPA’s governing documents, which include the bylaws and strategic plan.

Q. What is the board’s philosophy regarding governance? 
A. The board strives to maintain a visionary role while leaving operations to staff.

Q. Do board members represent their respective affiliations? 
A. No, the NRPA board is an "at-large" governing body. Directors are responsible for making decisions that benefit the entire membership and the organization versus a special interest group or geographic region.

Q.How do I "run" for the board?
A. NRPA will notify the membership via the magazine, newsletter, etc. that NRPA is seeking candidates. You can nominate yourself, or someone else can nominate you. To do this, please complete the online application form

Q.Who decides who gets elected to the board?
A. The governance committee comprised of board members interviews the candidates and then submits a slate to the Board of Directors for their approval. Terms begin at the NRPA Annual Conference.  


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